eBook: Advanced cell models

Written by Sartorius

In this eBook, you will find updates and expert insights into the latest developments in the realm of advanced cell models, their applications in disease research and drug discovery and their analysis. Explore how these models have developed in recent years to become increasingly representative of the in vivo environment. Discover how combinations of these pioneering models can be used to answer complex biological questions and hear from a legend of the field on the history and development of these models.

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  • Introduction
  • News: Improving organoid mimicry and reproducibility
  • Tech News: Investigating how UTIs recur with organoid and organ-on-a-chip technology
  • Interview: Taking synthetic organs from the lab to a chip: Anthony Atala and the advance of 3D cell biology
  • Handbook: Organoid analysis guide
  • Infographic: Advanced cell models: shifting trends and analysis
  • Additional resources

This content was produced in association with Sartorius.