Accelerating oncological drug discovery with HUB Organoids®

Written by HUB Organoids

Tumor organoids are novel 3D in vitro systems that, similar to PDX, preserve the morphological, genomic, and pathophysiological identity of their corresponding in vivo tumor by showing similar pharmacological profiles and treatment responses. Organoids can be generated from tumors directly from a patient´s biopsy or resection, and sufficiently expanded for large-scale screens without losing the original tumor identity, demonstrating high predictive power and great potential to revolutionize the drug-discovery workflow.

In this White Paper, explore how to accelerate oncological drug discovery with new techniques:

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In this White Paper, you will learn about:

  • The key patient-derived organoids (PDO or HUB Organoids) features that make them best-in-class models for drug development
  • How HUB Organoids are revolutionizing drug development by providing translatable and predictive in vitro pharmacology
  • How to predict patient response in the clinic by setting up prospective studies using HUB Organoids as patient avatars
  • The evolution from genomic-led drug development to an integrated genomic and organoid screening-based approach

This content was provided by HUB Organoids.