Application Note: Chemokines and SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid protein

Written by Sartorius

In this Application Note, Sartorius discusses and comprehensively characterizes the interaction between the SARS-CoV-2 Nucleocapsid (N) protein (presented as the first secreted human coronavirus viral chemokine binding protein; vCBP) and human chemokines as a model for protein domain mapping of biomolecular interactions on the Octet® BLI platform.

This Application Note also contains guidance for assay development and optimization.

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Characterization of protein domains participating in biomolecular interactions between antigens and key components of the innate immune system provides crucial insights for drug discovery, vaccine development and antigen cartography. Identifying and mapping these domains of interaction within a given protein can be challenging, laborious and time consuming. It requires the use of techniques such as alanine scanning, generation of escape mutants, and deep mutational scanning. The fluidic-free approach utilizing the Octet® Bio-Layer Interferometry (BLI) platform enables the rapid, label-free high-throughput analysis of interacting antigen domains and epitope diversity in real-time.

Find out more about Sartorius’ Octet®️ BLI detection platform here.

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