Live cell analysis handbook: a guide to real-time live-cell imaging and analysis

Dive into this detailed handbook on live-cell analysis, providing you with a helpful guide for real-time live-cell imaging and subsequent analysis.
This handbook highlights and exemplifies how the development of real-time live-cell imaging is redefining workflows and expanding the potential of cell biology. With improvements in throughput, capabilities of scale, consistency and noninvasive measurement, cell biologists are now able to conduct cell analysis in manners, previously impossible, that allow them to bypass the need for clunky, labour intensive techniques of the past.
Highlights from this handbook include:
- Detailed breakdowns of cell culture quality control and kinetic health and cell viability assays
- Insights into spheroid growth and morphology monitoring
- Applications of live-cell analysis of spheroids for therapeutic analysis
- Applications in the study of neuronal cell models, from neuronal cell dynamics to neuroimmune function
- A comprehensive appendix of IncuCyte assay protocols
- See below for full table of contents
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Table of Contents
- Introduction….3
- From Images to Answers ….5
- Cell Culture Quality Control Assays ….9
- Kinetic Cell Health and Viability Assays …..13
a. Proliferation….16
b. Caspase-3/7 and Annexin Apoptosis….28
c. Cytotoxicity….36 - Kinetic Cell Migration and Invasion Assays….44
a. Scratch Wound….47
b. Chemotaxis….52
c. Transendothelial Migration….58 - Kinetic Assays for Quantifying Protein Dynamics….63
a. Antibody Internalization ….65
b. Live-Cell Immunocytochemistry….72 - Kinetic Assays Utilizing Complex Models….80
a. Multi-Spheroid….83
b. Single Spheroid….90 - Kinetic Assays for Studying Neuronal Models….99
a. Neurite Analysis….101
b. Neuronal Activity ….109
c. Neuroimmune Assays….118 - Appendix….127
a. Cell Health Protocols
i. IncuCyte®Cell Proliferation Assay …. 128
ii. IncuCyte®Transduction….130
iii. IncuCyte®Apoptosis Assay ….132
iv. IncuCyte®Cytotoxicity Assay….135
v. IncuCyte®Immune Cell Killing Assay….138
b. Cell Migration and Invasion Protocols
i. IncuCyte®Scratch Wound Assay….142
ii. IncuCyte®Chemotaxis Cell Migration Assay….147
iii. IncuCyte®Chemotaxis Cell Invasion Assay ….151
iv. Chemotactic Transendothelial Migration Assay….154
c. Protein Dynamics Protocols
i. IncuCyte®Antibody Internalization Assay….157
ii. IncuCyte®Live-cell Immunocytochemistry…..160
d. Spheroid Protocols0
i. IncuCyte® Multi-Spheroid Assay….165
ii. IncuCyte® Single Spheroid Viability Assay….168
e. Neuroscience Protocols
i. IncuCyte®Label-Free Neurite Outgrowth and Cell Health Analysis Assay….170
ii. IncuCyte®Fluorescence Neurite Analysis Assay….174
iii. IncuCyte®Neuronal Activity Assay….180
iv. IncuCyte®pHrodo® Orange Phagocytosis Assay….187