eBook: Investigating the gut microbiome

The gut microbiome plays a crucial role in human health and disease, from controlling immune function to influencing behavior through the gut–brain axis. The field of microbiomics has expanded rapidly in the past decade, and while these studies have yielded fascinating insights into the relationship between human health and the microbiome, results are often difficult to reproduce and datasets from different studies are not comparable.
In this eBook, in partnership with Zymo Research, we explore the gut microbiome, including key insights and techniques used, and highlight the importance of the use of standards and controls when carrying out microbiome research.
- Introduction
- News: Could gut bacteria help us understand the causes of multiple sclerosis?
- Podcast: Tech Blast | Microbiome data
- Guide: How to choose a microbiome standard
- Tech News: Reproducibility: the search for microbiome standards
- Application Note: Development of a human fecal microbiome reference material and database
- Report: Prediction of high fecal propionate-to-butyrate ratios using 16S rRNA-based detection of bacterial groups with liquid array diagnostics
- Application Note: Master the microbiome: the latest technologies for accurate analysis
- Research Article: Vitamin C improves gut Bifidobacteria in humans
This eBook was supported by Zymo Research.