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How to make the most of the UK Biobank – Find out in your latest issue of BioTechniques

Written by Jasmine Hagan (Commissioning Editor)

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In this issue of BioTechniques, we present an overview of the progress, challenges and outlook in the development of advanced organoids, a bioinformatic tool for analyzing transcriptomic data and the evaluation of a PCR-based DNA barcoding method for improving Blastocystis genotyping.

Technology News

UK Biobank: what can it do, how you can use it and how is it being used?


Developing advanced organoids: challenges, progress, and outlook


qDATA – an R application implementing a practical framework for analyzing quantitative real-time PCR data

Enhanced Blastocystis subtyping from stool samples using semi-nested barcode PCR: validation with an NGS-based approach

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