In-Line monitoring of culture medium using live cell metabolic analyzer

Within the research fields of cancer immunology and regenerative medicine, understanding cellular metabolism is becoming an important factor in a wide range of areas, including basic research in pathological analysis and investigation of production processes for pharmaceutical product formulation.
Until now, component analysis of culture medium has been carried out by periodic sampling; however, this method only allows for small samples to be collected and requires regular manual sampling, which is not conducive to painting an accurate picture of the changes the cultured cells are undergoing.
In this Application Note, PHCbi present a study where their live cell metabolic analyzer (LiCellMoTM) is used to continuously measure glucose and lactate levels while culturing Jurkat cells, in order to investigate the accuracy and stability of PHC’s proprietary In-Line sensor.
LiCellMo is available for purchase in the U.S., Canada, and select other geographies globally. For research and education use only, not for use in diagnostic procedures in the U.S. or Canada. This product has not been approved or cleared as a medical device by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration or Health Canada.
This feature was supported by PHC Corporation of North America.