Real-time live-cell analysis and validation of 3D multi-spheroids

Multi-cell tumor spheroids are becoming increasingly commonplace in the field of cancer research due to their ability to more closely mimic the in vivo microcellular environment of a tumor, therefore increasing the physiological relevance of the models. A key aspect of this mimicry of the microcellular environment is the incorporation of extracellular matrices and support cells into the typically found in tumors into spheroid models.
However, the current standards for analyzing growth and shrinkage of tumor spheroids are hindered by the need to fluorescently label cells and remove them from their physiological conditions for image acquisition, in time consuming, expensive workflows that involve single-time indirect readouts, incapable of providing the full time course of growth or the morphological status of the spheroid.
Validation of real-time, live-cell assays for 3D multi-spheroids formed on bio-matrices
This application note addresses these issues, using the IncuCyte® Live-Cell Analysis system and IncuCyte® 3D Multi-Tumor Spheroid Assays to study the growth of 3D spheroids label-free or with non-perturbing reagents in real time, capturing data that may be missed by single time point methods.
Click here to download the application note!
Real-time live-cell analysis of multi-spheroid, co-cultured, 3D tumor assays
This application note provides a helpful update to the previous validation application note, describing the use of the IncuCyte to study the growth of 3D tumor multi-spheroids in co-culture with either fibroblasts or immune cells, capturing data that may be missed by single time point methods.