The single-cell technological revolution – your latest issue of BioTechniques

Written by Ebony Torrington (Managing Editor)

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This issue of BioTechniques presents two-stage autoinducible protein expression using a simplified media formulation; an investigation of circulating DNA integrity after blood collection using NanoDrop, Qubit and quantitative PCR; and an interview with Elizabeth Minogue (BioProbe Diagnostics, Galway, Ireland), discussing the urgency of rapid Legionella detection post-COVID-19 lockdowns.

Tech News

Single-cell sequencing: the technological revolution behind a new wave of multiomic studies in basic and cancer research

Expert Opinion

Bioimprinting: bringing together 2D and 3D in dissecting cancer biology


Urgency of rapid Legionella detection post-COVID-19 lockdowns: an interview with Elizabeth Minogue

Letter to the Editor

Investigation of circulating DNA integrity after blood collection


Quantitative ELISA for SERPINA4/kallistatin

Optimization of phosphate-limited autoinduction broth for two-stage heterologous protein expression in Escherichia coli

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