Spatial Gene Expression Abstract Competition l UK & Ireland

Newcastle University, 10x Genomics and Illumina would like to remind you to join our spatial gene expression abstract competition in the UK and Ireland.
Last chance: Abstract submissions close today!
Spatial transcriptomics allows you to study gene expression within its native tissue context. As the precise organization of organs and tissue is closely linked to their function, spatial gene expression can lead to novel insights about biology.
We invite you to apply to our joint abstract competition, where three projects will be awarded an end-to-end spatial transcriptomics service:
- First Prize: Two 10X Genomics Visium slides (2 samples / 4 sections per sample)
- Second prize: One 10X Genomics Visium slide (1 sample / 4 sections per sample)
- Third prize: One 10X Genomics Visium slide (1 sample / 4 sections per sample)
The samples will be processed and sequenced by Newcastle University. Newcastle University is a 10x Genomics certified Visium service provider and offers the SPARTAN (SPAtially Resolved Transciptomics At Newcastle) sample-to-result spatial gene expression service.
10x Genomics Visium Spatial Gene Expression enables mapping of the whole transcriptome within the tissue context. The NovaSeqTM 6000 sequencing system provides sequencing power for data-rich applications, and the latest v1.5 reagent kits enable deeper and broader sequencing studies.
Don’t miss this exciting opportunity to see which biological mysteries spatial gene expression can unlock in your samples and how this revolutionary technology can advance your research.
You must complete the online registration form and upload your abstract by 5pm GMT on 26 February 2021. Abstracts submissions must be no more than 500 words, and contain no identifying details.
This content was supplied by 10x Genomics.