Have nanotechnologies for cancer treatment delivered on the hype? – Find out in your latest issue of BioTechniques

In this issue of BioTechniques we present a rapid genome sequencing protocol to identify circulating SARS-CoV-2, a method for identifying the influence of resuspension volume on validated HPV self-sampling assays and a simplified cloning technique based on Golden Gate Assembly for rapid vector construction.
Technology News
Nanotechnology and cancer therapeutics: delivering on the hype?
SARS-CoV-2 spike gene Sanger sequencing methodology to identify variants of concern
Influence of resuspension volume on dry sampling devices taken for human papillomavirus testing: implications for self-sampling
Easy method for six-fragment Golden Gate Assembly of modular vectors
Accurate, fast and cost-effective simultaneous detection of bacterial meningitis by qualitative PCR with high-resolution melting
Specific N-terminal amino acids potentiate the periplasmic expression of single-chain variable fragments in Escherichia coli
A simple drying solution that minimizes cracking during air-drying of polyacrylamide gels
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