eBook: CRISPR (Volume 2)

In this eBook, you will find updates and insights on the latest in CRISPR technology development. Explore CRISPR and drug discovery, CRISPR and the single cell, CRISPR in the clinic, as well as CRISPR in large animals. Discover useful information and resources on CRISPR screening and more. Scan the QR codes throughout this eBook to get access to the full online resources.
News: Forget molecular scissors, think Swiss Army knife for CRISPR
News: CRISPR-based diagnostics: expanding the toolbox against COVID-19
Interview: Developing single-cell CRISPR screening technology
Interview: CRISPR gene editing in large animals: applications, challenges and
Infographic: Revolutionizing CRISPR screens
Infographic: CRISPR screening trends, perspectives and single cell
Additional CRISPR resources: Including a panel discussion and webinar
This content was produced in association with 10x Genomics.