How has CRISPR transformed therapeutic drug discovery? Find out in your latest issue of BioTechniques

In this issue of BioTechniques, we present a method to accurately predict the serum antibody levels from non-invasive saliva/nasal samples, a modification of Grocott’s staining procedure to detect Mucor spp. and a single-step PCR technique to determine cDNA samples in mouse tissues.
Technology News
How has CRISPR transformed therapeutic drug discovery?
Preparation of Bacillus subtilis cell samples and generation of an SDS-PAGE
Accurate prediction of serum antibody levels from noninvasive saliva/nasal samples
Overcoming problems to produce the recombinant protein LipL21 of Leptospira interrogans
Modification of Grocott’s staining procedure with heat treatment and oxidation by periodic acid for mucormycosis in tissue: a method to detect Mucor spp.
Determination of sex in cDNA samples from mice
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