Research Snapshot: Direct capture of guide RNAs enables scalable and combinatorial single-cell CRISPR screens

Written by 10x Genomics

Researchers at the University of California with scientists from 10x Genomics (both CA,USA) described a method to streamline CRISPR screens by directly capturing and sequencing guide RNAs in single cells, without the need for a separate indexing transcript.

This scalable method to simultaneously capture and analyze guide RNAs, together with their effect on the transcriptome, is enabled on the 10x Genomics single-cell gene-expression solution with future barcode technology.

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This Research Snapshot will help you understand:

  • How does direct capture of guide RNAs enable an increase in scale for single-cell CRISPR screens?
  • How well does direct capture of guide RNAs perform relative to previous methods?
  • How do CRISPR screens at single-cell resolution enhance our understanding of complex biology

And  much more!

This content was provided by 10x Genomics.