Application Note: High-throughput assays for epitope binning and cross-competition analysis in antibody research
The early identification of antibody candidates with desired affinities and dissociation kinetics, binding epitopes and critical quality attributes is vital for avoiding later-phase failures caused by selecting non-ideal leads. The epitope binning process enables antibody candidates that bind similar epitope regions in the antigen into bins. Fluidic-free biolayer interferometry enables epitope binning analysis using cross-competition assays where competitive binding of antibody pairs are assessed.
This Application Note outlines the capabilities of advanced biolayer interferometry systems and provides guidance on developing epitope binning assays and data analysis strategies.
Fluidic-free biolayer interferometry (BLI) enables epitope binning analysis using cross-competition assays where competitive binding of antibody pairs are assessed. These assays can be easily extended to characterizing large antibody libraries utilizing high-throughput Octet® BLI platforms and specifically developed epitope binning software analysis tools to evaluate large antibody data sets. Octet® epitope binning assays can also accommodate multiple assay orientations that enable analysis of multivalent antigens and antibodies in crude or hybridoma supernatants.
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