Application Note: Recovery of sample using the Octet® SF3

Written by Sartorius

Sample Recovery Injections allow users to identify molecules that possess desirable characteristics and then recover the sample so that successful candidates may be tested for critical quality attributes (CQA) and used in further downstream analysis.

In this Application Note, Sartorius (Göttingen, Germany) introduces Sample Recovery Injections on the Octet® SF3 SPR system along with guidance on its application in an assay setup.

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Sample recovery is especially powerful in workflows such as cell-line development where early identification of high-productivity clones with optimal CQA and target specificities can significantly shorten timelines and lead to substantial cost savings.

The Octet® SF3 offers a special type of injection for eluting and recovering a bound analyte from a sensor surface, called the Sample Recovery Injection. In a sample recovery workflow, molecules of interest are passed over target ligand(s) during a first injection and then, in a second Sample Recovery Injection, returned to a user-specified location in the sample racks, ensuring that precious sample is not wasted and can be used for orthogonal studies

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