10x Genomics – Visium Spatial Gene Expression Solution Roadshow – Series 2, Cambridge, UK
Event details
Website: | EMEA 10x Genomics Visium Spatial Gene Expression Solution Roadshow Series 2 Cambridge |
Location: | CRUK CI Lecture Theatre, Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute, University of Cambridge Li Ka Shing Centre, Robinson Way, Cambridge, CB2 0RE, UK |
The ability to discern spatial gene expression differences in complex biological systems is critical to our understanding of developmental biology and the progression of disease. However, the complexity presented by heterogeneous tissue has been historically difficult to overcome. Immunohistochemistry, ISH, and H&E staining, foundational tools for understanding tissue architecture, are based on a combination of gene expression and cell morphology information. Though recent advances in RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) have made it possible to obtain unbiased high-throughput gene expression data, these experiments require dissociated cells and cannot preserve morphological context, until now.
The Visium Spatial Gene Expression Solution from 10x Genomics analyzes complete transcriptomes in intact tissue sections, allowing you to discover genes and markers relevant to your research without having to rely on known targets. Preserving spatial resolution offers critical information for understanding the relationships between cellular function, phenotype, and location in the tissue.
Join us to learn how to get started with Visium Spatial Gene Expression, how to analyse your data and how some of our customers are using this technology.
General Agenda
11.30 Registrations and lunch
15:30 Closing
Featured Speakers
Anna Arutyunyan, PhD candidate
Wellcome Sanger Institute, University of Cambridge
Temporal and spatial dynamics of human endometrium.
Vitalii Kleshchevnikov, PhD candidate
Wellcome Sanger Institute, University of Cambridge
title TBC
Christophe Fleury, Science and Technology Advisor
10x Genomics
From Single Cell Genomics to Multi-Omics to Spatial Transcriptomics
Mike Day, Senior Field Applications Scientist
10x Genomics
Getting started with Spatial Gene Expression
Visium Spatial Gene Expression Analysis: Closing the Loupe