Tips for 3D Spatial Analysis of High-Content Drug Screening
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Join our webinar to learn tips for effective optical imaging and analysis, using confocal resonanance scanning of both live and fixed spheroids and organoids in multiwell microplates.
High content analysis during drug screening using 3D spheroids and organoids requires optimizations for speed, effective sample imaging and clear and efficient analysis. In an upcoming webinar, imaging expert Brendan Brinkman, of Olympus, will discuss live imaging of cancer organoids in 384 well plates, optimizations with optically cleared samples, and the effects for efficient high content analysis.
What will you learn?
- How to acquire fluorescent high speed 384 well plate images of live cancer organoids.
- Optimizations for optical clearing, refractive index matching and accuracy of object detection.
- How the NoviSight™ HCA software generates True 3D models with statistics across these samples.
Who may this interest?
- High-content screening and analysis professionals challenged by the increasing use of 3D samples.
- People who are considering utilizing 3D cell model based drug discovery and cancer organoid research.
Brendan Brinkman
Life Science New Business Strategy, Global
Scientific Solutions Division Olympus Corporation
Brendan Brinkman spent years working in the stem cell field, including primary mouse neurosphere derivation. After several years as a core imaging facility manager helping to build novel systems, he joined Olympus. Recently, Brendan returned from 2.5 years with Olympus Tokyo, where he helped to develop next-generation solutions.
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