Characterizing astroglia models with live-cell analysis

Written by Sartorius

Historically, astrocytes have been regarded as mere supporters of neuronal function, but mounting evidence indicates that they not only support neuronal activity, but directly contribute to it.

In this white paper we described several live-cell phenotypic analyses suitable for the characterization of astroglia cells. When used in combination, the growth, health, morphology, motility and functional effects of glial cells, as well as their modulation, can be studied to fully characterize their impact on neuronal function.

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Discover more on the following:

    • Live-Cell Analysis Applied to Astroglia Characterization
    • Cell Monitoring and Workflow Optimization
    • Modulating Astroglia Health, Morphology and Growth
    • Insights into Astroglia Motility
    • Astrocytic Modulation of Neuronal Signaling in Co-Cultures

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This content was supplied by Sartorius.