#FSGForBHM21 round-up

In honor of the US Black History Month, a panel of scientific leaders assembled on Twitter to discuss the key themes of Black representation, identity and diversity in science, in a Twitter Chat hosted by BioTechniques and supported across Future Science Group.

The wonderful panel included Esther Odekunle, Nii Addy, Sara Suliman, Geoffrey Siwo and Yannick Yalipende and took place on Wednesday 17th of February 2021, on the #FSGForBHM21.

Check out our highlights from the chat below!

How are you all today? Can you tell us about yourselves?

What do you think are the main causes of a lack of Black representation in the sciences?

How do you think the scientific establishment could improve this lack of representation?

What impact does the lack of Black representation have on science?

Why is Black representation in science important?

Do you have any examples of the value added to scientific research as a result of Black representation?

Have you seen academia and scientific industries put a strain on the behavior and/or appearance of Black individuals?

What is currently being done to inspire the next generation of Black scientists?

Do you have any suggested actions for researchers looking to promote Black representation in STEM?

What do you envision Black representation in STEM to look like in the next 5 years?

The reality of low pay and long hours mean that few people are interested in working in this field. How can we encourage more people including Black people to work in the sciences?

I’m having trouble coming up with ideas on how to bring DEI into heavily quantitative bioengineering courses (e.g. biofluid mechanics) and would be interested in hearing suggestions!

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