The BioTechniques Valentine’s Day gift guide

For the cystine to your guanine, the neurotransmitter to your receptor, the hydrogen to your, well, hydrogen… We’ve got the perfect gift for your partner in science this Valentine’s Day. May the flight path of the shooting star of your love keep out of the gravitational pull of any large heavenly bodies.
Chocolate organs – Classics are classics for a reason. You can never go wrong with a box of chocolates… spleen anyone?
Neuron necklace – Another classic, jewelry will always be a hit. Especially when it is scientifically accurate (ish).
Oxytocin Molecule cookie cutter – Cover everything with as close to a chemical representation of love as science gets with this replication of the so called ‘love hormone’.
Constellation projector – Live in a city or a country with weather systems directed by Ridley Scott? Too rushed off your feet with your lab work to make it to an actual field? You can still have that Valentine’s Day picnic under the stars with this constellation projector.
Neuron blanket – Get snug as a neuron in a myelin sheath with that irreplaceable someone.
Beaker terrarium – Forget a bunch of flowers, this year give them a mini-ecosystem inside every chemist’s favorite flask.
Chemistry Lipbalm – Its Valentine’s day which means its time to pucker up, make sure your lips are ready with this set of lipbalms, each flavor matched to a specific neurotransmitter.
Base pair card – For the purine to your pyrimidine, show them you’re their perfect match with this card.
Chemistry wine glasses – Keep the chemicals flowing from glass to wine to oxytocin.
Giant Microbes ‘Tainted Love’ gift set – Cause if you’re going to give your partner an STD, its better if it’s a cute plush version!
Need more gift ideas? Check out our 2019 Holiday gift guide