Advanced label-free classification of cell morphology subpopulations

Written by Sartorius

The morphology of a cell contains vast amounts of information on cell health and differentiation state, and yields insight into cell phenotype. Biologists use this information daily to drive decisions around cell culture conditions and responses during assay development. Traditionally this important information has been described qualitatively or via the use of single metrics as a surrogate for total cell shape. However, these methods are subjective evaluations and can lead to loss of data and a lack of robustness and reproducibility within cell-based assays.

Read this Application Note to understand how the Incucyte® Advanced Label-Free Classification Software Module enables automated quantification of cell morphology by employing multivariate analysis to identify multiple morphological features such as cell area, texture, brightness, and symmetry. These parameters are then used to create an unbiased, meaningful score value that enables cell subpopulations to be classified into two user-identified groups.

Application NoteMore information

From this Application Note, you will find:

  • An overview of Incycyte® advanced label-free classification analysis
  • The method used for the classification process
  • The applications available

And much more!

This content was provided by Sartorius