The Nanoimager: single-molecule imaging at your fingertips

The Nanoimager from Oxford NanoImaging (ONI) is a desktop-compatible, super-resolution, single-molecule fluorescence microscope capable of resolving structures with 20 nm resolution and a localization precision of 2 nm. It supports various modes of operation: single-molecule localization-based super-resolution for quantitative cellular imaging; single-particle tracking in live cells; DMD-based confocal microscopy; and single-molecule fluorescence resonance energy transfer (smFRET) for measuring molecular interactions in the 2 nm–10 nm range. The Nanoimager is a cost-effective solution that operates on a standard laboratory bench, features whole-body heating for live experiments, and does not require an optical table or darkroom. It is a Class 1 laser product with unrivaled stability. Unlimited licenses to ONI’s NimOS software allow seamless operation and rapid quantitative data analysis with intuitive presentation of results.
For info: +44 (0) 1865951820;