How are machine learning tools advancing cryogenic electron microscopy? Find out in your latest issue of BioTechniques!

Written by Jasmine Hagan (Managing Editor)

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In this issue of BioTechniques, we present a method for Mycobacterium tuberculosis detection using a colorimetric single-tube nested PCR assay, a strand displacement amplification method for amplifying long DNA fragments at low temperatures, and the development of a web-based tool for sharing phylogenetic trees and collaborating on lineage assignments.

Technology News

The dynamic duo: cryo-EM teams up with machine learning to visualize biomolecules in motion


Development and evaluation of a single-tube nested PCR with colorimetric assay for Mycobacterium tuberculosis detection

Integrity of RNA in long-term-stored cervical liquid-based cytology samples: implications for biomarker research

Isothermal amplification of long DNA fragments at low temperature by improved strand displacement amplification

Phylobook: a tool for display, clade annotation and extraction of sequences from molecular phylogenies

Rectal swab DNA collection protocol for PCR genotyping in rats


‘Gel-Stacks’ gently confine or reversibly immobilize arrays of single DNA molecules for manipulation and study

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