A library of tutorial resources from CoolLED

Written by CoolLED

Unlike traditional lamps, LED Illumination Systems are smart and offer a wealth of control options. Optimising sample illumination not only increases image contrast by matching excitation wavelengths to the fluorophores of choice, but also protects samples from phototoxicity and photobleaching.

CoolLED are supporting microscopists in capitalising on the benefits offered by LED Illumination Systems, and in their Technical Resources library you can find a range of useful content, including:

Tutorial videos which explain all sorts of topics, from how to integrate LED Illumination Systems in popular imaging software, through to choosing the best Illumination System for your needs and optimising your filters.

Application notes which give ideas on how scientists have benefited from modern microscopy LED illumination, such as understanding mitochondrial stress self defence.

White papers on topics such as how to optimise illumination, and how to achieve affordable automation.

Interviews with scientists discussing unusual topics like how we helped save the day in Brazil!

Visit CoolLED's Technical Resources page>> 

This content was supplied by CoolLED.