eBook: Data in harmony: Modern approaches to qPCR

At Bio-Rad, we believe that if you can make something better, you should.
Quantitative PCR (qPCR) is used for a range of ultra-sensitive applications. Small amounts of genetic material are exponentially amplified, which means small errors can cause sizable problems. To achieve optimal results, scientists use high-quality qPCR instruments to minimize these issues. The new CFX Opus Real-Time PCR Systems provides the reliable features you depend on and expect from Bio-Rad, including differentiated Bio-Rad optics and CFX Maestro Software, plus improvements in design, functionality, and connectivity.
Register below to download Bio-Rad’s FREE eBook on the modern approaches to qPCR.
Download this eBook to learn about:
- qPCR for viral diagnostics
- Improved data connectivity technologies
- Impact of thermal uniformity
- qPCR beyond the molecular biology laboratory
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This content was supplied by Bio-Rad