New Pall Minimate™ EVO Tangential Flow Filtration System Streamlines Laboratory-Scale Concentration, Desalting, and Buffer Exchange

Written by Pall

PORT WASHINGTON, NEW YORK — Pall Corporation, a global leader in filtration, separation, and purification, has introduced the next generation of its lab-scale tangential flow filtration (TFF) solutions. The Minimate EVO TFF system allows high productivity, reproducibility, and simple control compared to stirred-cell technologies.1 The easy-to-operate solution simplifies laboratory-scale concentration, desalting, and buffer exchange workflows.

Pall’s Minimate system is designed for highly reliable buffer exchange or protein concentration of samples up to 1 liter. In tests, the Minimate TFF system was able to concentrate a 1-liter protein solution five times faster than a comparable stirred-cell system.2 This finding was confirmed by an independent researcher for the purification of the Cyclooxygenase-2 enzyme resulting in a reduction in processing time over three-fold without the loss of protein activity.

The Minimate EVO system’s improvements over the first-generation Minimate include accurate transmembrane pressure (TMP) differential calculations with the integrated upstream and downstream pressure gauges. This allows greater user control and easier validation. In addition, the Minimate EVO features improved stirring, more durable tubing and connections, and overall easier setup and operation.

The Minimate EVO system offers attractive benefits to the laboratory user.

  • High product recovery: Optimized flow path design coupled with low-protein-binding Omega membrane. All wetted components are made from chemically resistant materials.
  • Minimal sample loss: The system has very low volume and interior fluid contact area. The Minimate EVO system and cassette can be cleaned and reused to eliminate sample carryover.
  • Greater efficiency: Concentration and desalting processes are performed simultaneously with minimal user intervention. High concentration factors are possible due to the ability to continually filter several times.
  • Plug-and-play processing: The Minimate EVO system includes everything needed for quick and simple installation. Simply assemble the system, add the Minimate cassette, add your sample, and start processing.
  • Scalable operation: The same membranes are used in Pall’s larger Centramate™ TFF systems and Pall’s smaller centrifugal spin devices. This allows predictable performance to upscale or downscale sample processing, saving time.

The Minimate EVO system includes a variable-speed, roller-head peristaltic pump for gentle processing, two pressure gauges, valves, tubing, and 500 mL reservoir with a magnetic stir bar and stir plate — all assembled on a compact drip tray.

In recent applications, the Minimate system has been used for concentrating of viral proteins for COVID-19 research.

For more information, visit

1 J. Jenco, T. Hu, L. Schwartz, and K. Seeley, The partnership of the Minimate TFF Capsule with Liquid Chromatography Systems Facilitates Lab-Scale Purifications and Process Development Through In-Line Monitoring Technical Report.

2 Increased Productivity Using Minimate™ Capsules to Replace Stirred Cell Systems, Pall Scientific and Technical Report.

3 Minimate Care and Use Manual, electronic only; on CD within Minimate TFF product package.

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This content was supplied by Pall Laboratory.