Characterizing genomic and epigenomic variation between tumor–normal research samples using long nanopore sequencing reads

Written by Oxford Nanopore

Genomic instability is characteristic of most cancers. To explore this, paired tumor–normal whole-genome sequencing can be used to gain deeper understanding of genomic and epigenomic variability in cancer. This will aid the discovery of new cancer biomarkers and new insights into the genetics of treatment-resistant tumors.

With nanopore sequencing, long, native DNA reads capture single nucleotide variants, structural variants, copy number variants, short tandem repeats and epigenetic modifications in a single dataset.

This end-to-end workflow presents how to detect somatic variation between tumor–normal paired research samples using the PromethION sequencing devices range.

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In this workflow, you will learn more about:

  • Extraction
  • Library preparation
  • Sequencing
  • Analysis

This content was provided by Oxford Nanopore Technologies


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