Talking Techniques | Big data and COVID-19 part 1: Facilitating and using collaborative, open data

Guy Cochrane

In the first of two episodes on the role of big data in fighting COVID-19, BioTechniques Digital Editor Tristan Free speaks to Guy Cochrane, Team Leader of Data Coordination and Archiving at the European Nucleotide Archive (Cambridge, UK). We discuss the challenges and importance of compiling and presenting the huge amount of data created regarding COVID-19 and explore how to make the most out of the data platforms available, such as Guy’s European COVID-19 data platform.



  • Introducing the European COVID-19 data platform- 1min 35sec
  • Challenges of compiling data- 5 mins
  • How can researchers make their data collaborative- 8min 15sec
  • Demographic representation on the platform- 10min 40sec
  • Optimizing big data platforms- 12min 10sec
  • The long term impact of COVID-19 on the use of Big Data- 15min 30sec