Novel applications of multiphoton microscopy


Advances in multiphoton microscopy instruments and technology are leading to unique insights into the cellular world. From live-cell imaging to three dimensional reconstructions of cells and their organelles, researchers are taking full advantage of the power of multiphoton microscopy to enhance their imaging workflows.

In this special webinar, leading researchers will describe how they are using advanced imaging platforms to dissect cellular function in real time. From visualizing the activation and migration of plasma cells to imaging the interactions between lymphocytes and other cells during an immune response, our speakers will highlight the many ways in which multiphoton microscopy can be used to unravel the inner workings of cells.

In this webinar, you will learn:

  • How multiphoton microscopy can be applied in cell biology studies
  • How to optimize your imaging system to visualize cell interactions
  • Best practices for live-cell imaging using multiphoton microscopy
  • How high-resolution imaging is extending the modern immunology toolkit

Featured Speakers:

Jordan Jacobelli

Assistant Professor of Immunology and Microbiology, University of Colorado

Dr. Jacobelli’s research focuses on understanding how the cytoskeleton regulates the migration and cell-cell interactions of lymphocytes. To address these questions, his lab employs a combination of molecular techniques along with in vivo multiphoton microscopy.

David Fooksman

Assistant Professor of Pathology and Microbiology and Immunology, Albert Einstein College of Medicine

Dr. Fooksman’s lab is interested in various aspects of normal and malignant plasma cell physiology. His team uses a combination of techniques, including in vivo imaging, to understand how plasma cells develop, migrate, survive, and function.

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