Transforming live-cell analysis with AI
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This webinar will demonstrate automated, robust and unbiased solutions for label-free cytotoxicity screening assays using integrated AI-based software driven by pre-trained neural networks. Incucyte® AI Confluence Analysis reliably quantifies cell proliferation in a non-perturbing manner, while Incucyte® AI Cell Health Analysis enables automated cell segmentation and live/dead classification of individual cells. These label-free analyses, combined with optional fluorescence reporters, provide deeper insights into compound mechanisms.
What will you learn?
- How an integrated AI-driven approach provides accurate measurements of proliferation across a range of cell types
- Validation of label-free analysis methods for robustly quantifying cell health in a non-perturbing manner
- Demonstration of a simplified workflow combining AI-driven and fluorescent quantification for the high-throughput screening of therapeutic compounds
- Guidance on how live-cell imaging and intuitive label-free analysis can be built into your development workflow
Who this may interest?
- Scientists and researchers in biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, biopharma and academia
- Scientists performing cytotoxicity or compound screening assays
- Individuals who desire to implement live-cell imaging into their workflow
- Researchers involved in fundamental research and therapeutic development within the fields of oncology and neuroscience
Jasmine Trigg
Jasmine is a Scientist in the BioAnalytics group at Sartorius (Royston, UK). Over the past couple of years, she has worked across multiple research areas developing cellular assays and analytical tools to extend the suite of Incucyte® live-cell analysis applications. Jasmine has a background in neuroscience and genetic manipulation, and her earlier work focused on using a combined structural and molecular biology approach to assess disease-associated proteins implicated in Alzheimer’s disease.
This webinar was recorded on Tuesday 9 July 2024
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